
Land here for weekly musings on a variety of topics related to home building, restoration, and remodeling.

  • Why Is My Roof Leaking?
    Your home’s roof is a complex system made up of many parts that work together to protect your home and shelter your family. The failure of any one of those parts can result in a leaky roof—the stuff of nightmares for any homeowner.  There are many reasons a roof can leak, some related to weather,… Read more: Why Is My Roof Leaking?
  • Navigating a Homeowner’s Insurance Claim
    The two things you’ll want to do immediately after a destructive event are 1) contact your insurance company, and 2) choose a building contractor to restore your home and to help you navigate the claims process—though not necessarily in that order.
  • What Causes Ice Dams and How to Prevent Them
    Ice dams are an unfortunate reality of Minnesota winters. As the name implies, ice dams are ridges of ice that build up at the edge of a roof, causing a dam beyond which melting snow can’t pass. The primary destructive force of ice dams comes from the water that pools behind them, which can get underneath shingles and leak into the attic.